Dialogue Volume 1: On The Nature Of Blog Tags And Properly Sorting Things

Dialogue - a series where I talk about whatever is on my mind.

Oh boy, what an exciting first post for this series. Sarcasm notwithstanding, this is more of a way for me to rationalise how I view this blog and keeping things in order which is something I'm very much concerned with. 

Here's my dilemma: how to use the labels on my blog without there being too many of them, too few of them, using them improperly, deciding what counts as what and so on. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, look at the front page of this blog: you'll find a section on the right sidebar that says 'Labels (A-Z)'. Inside of that, there are tags relating to a number of topics that will link you to blog posts containing those things. Simple, right? You click on reviews, it'll take you to all of the blog posts I've labelled as reviews. You only want to stuff relating to games? You can do that. It's a straightforward and simple way of organising content appropriately.

Or at least, it should be. There's nothing wrong with it, there's just something wrong with me and my desire to keep things neat and tidy. You see, what does THIS particular blog post count as? Is it an essay? Not really. I could make a whole new tag called 'Opinion Pieces' or 'Dialogue' or something. But since I've mentioned the words 'games' and 'reviews', should I add those tags as well? Besides, what is the definition of an essay and does this post match it? Cue me spending some time looking up the word 'Essay' to figure out whether the posts I have currently tagged as 'Essays' should be tagged at all.

I'm certain this is something that only I will care about. I'm tempted to just strip some tags out or disable the feature entirely. It's weird, isn't it? Something that's supposed to help me keep things orderly and simple is actually causing me some grief and frustration. I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll leave it, maybe I won't. Or maybe I should stop worrying about it and move on to more interesting things. But there will always be that nagging thought in the back of my mind about how annoyed I am at my own tag system, at wanting to have things be as perfect as they can be. 

But, to counteract this, I always tell myself that not only is nothing perfect, but a little imperfection here and there is fine.

It's. fine.

It's not the end of the world. Having a tag system that doesn't work absolutely efficiently and doesn't make sense 100% of the time is not going to make your life worse. It's something minor and insignificant that has no bearing on the quality of your writing or blog beyond it being a meagre sorting tool. Hell, maybe I can add more tags if I feel a post needs it and I can always go back and edit posts all over again if I'm not satisfied. It's not as if, when I click the 'Publish' button, it's sealed in blood and can't be undone.

Maybe this shouting into the void of my blog was pointless. But it made me feel a little better about the whole thing...so I guess that's what counts the most.

NOTE: As with many of my posts, I started writing this one long before I published it. Often, if I'm talking about a piece of media like a video game or a film, I usually start writing my article the day I finish said media but don't finish writing it until many days later. So I began this blog post sometime in late November or early December - but I'm only just publishing it at 9:30 P.M. on the 13th of December. I make note of this because this blog acts as my own personal journal or diary about stuff I've experienced or am interested in and want to write about. So knowing when I finish something is helpful when placing it in a sort of timeline.
