In Case You Missed It: The Podcast - Episode #3 | Hyper Light Drifter, The Witcher 3 And More

(Below you will find the podcast as an embedded YouTube video as well as a direct copy of the video description)

After a massive hiatus, the podcast is finally back (and hopefully for good)!

You can also find all the episodes, from oldest to newest, here in this playlist.


Recorded on 22nd August 2019

My blog:

Audio was royally borked on this one (as per usual), and I don't have the best mic for this so...Oh dear. 

Thumbnail images:

(All images in the thumbnail are from the Steam store unless otherwise noted) 

Persona 5 Art - (

Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Screenshot - (

Sonic '06 Screenshot - (

Timestamps (approx.):

12:50 - Hyper Light Drifter 
19:15 - Calvin's rant about amount of content e.g. Witcher 3  
21:50 - Rant about Steam Sales and Steam in general  
26:00 - Calvin's personal tastes in games 
27:30 - Sonic 06  
28:15 - What games has Calvin been playing recently 
29:45 - Not a completionist 
30:30 - What games has Calvin been playing recently (Part 2) 
32:50 - Calvin talking more specifically about Persona 5  
36:20 - Shadow of the Colossus / Ico 
37:30 - Playing to 100% on first playthrough / min-maxing 
42:25 - Messing around with games / game design  
44:45 - The Sonic O6 Katamari Story 
51:55 - The UFO Story 
54:35 - Problems with memories 
55:45 - Timestamps / Supernatural nonsense / Final words
