Three Early Half-Life Mod Reviews Originally Posted On RunThinkShootLive

Image: Mistake of Pythagoras (screenshot from walkthrough by YouTube user Bolloxed)

Below are three reviews I wrote for some Half-Life mods in early August 2017. They were originally posted over at RunThinkShootLive. I'm posting them on the blog for preservation purposes.

Mistake of Pythagoras Review (Posted 8th August 2017)

"It’s very rare that a mod like this really jumps out at me as being something I really love, but it’s practically everything I could want in a mod. Engrossing atmosphere, clever use of storytelling and the environment to create a surreal but believable world, and the musical score…my goodness, the SCORE! The creator of the mod, Koumei Satou, made the music entirely by himself and it is captivating and in many cases, exhilarating such as the incredible moment when you gain telekinetic powers and start killing the invaders by just looking at them, lifting trains and tanks into the sky, pulling computer monitors off the wall; all this while an immensely heartpounding music track reminiscent of The Matrix begins to build and build…it’s truly something else. 

In addition, the alternative universe idea of having the Combine and Humans be allies was a very cool idea, and I hope more mods continue to do this. All this from a mod from 2005! My only two complaints is that the AI path-finding can be pretty bad and at the beginning of the chapter 'Twisted Space', if you’re not careful, you’ll be killed quickly from the sheer amount of enemies and the fact that you can’t really see them as they are transparent (for plot reasons). This, I felt was a bit unfair. Apart from that though, this mod is an absolute must-play. If you haven’t played Mistake Of Pythagoras, you owe it to yourself to play it (just be prepared as it can be a bit weird)."  

A Venetian Welcome Review (Posted 9th August 2017)

"When I started out this map, I thought that it would easily get a 'Play It Now!' recommendation. But now that I’ve played through the whole thing, it only gets a 'Maybe' from me. It’s a shame really, as the map starts out really promisingly. You’re in a Venetian jail, trying to escape, you climb out of your cell doing some typical HL parkour, you grab your suit and off you go! The first section in the jail for me is easily the best part of this map. It’s certainly not as pretty as the rest of the map but it’s where I had the most fun. But the outdoor segment (which takes up the majority of your time playing A Venetian Welcome) was an absolute pain and somewhat confusing to navigate. The map goes from being a nice linear style of play with a few diverging paths to keep things interesting to a wide open area that made me, for some time, lost. 

For example, there’s a particular section in a bar which makes it look like the direction you have to go, climbing up things and what have you, but nope! Turns out there’s a door you have to go in WAY over to the right of the bar that is partially obscured and out of sight. Not only that, but the end segment took me a few attempts to beat even while playing on easy due to the sheer number of enemies. The ending of the map was also very abrupt, so much so that it made me let out an audible "Oh". Couple all that with glitchy looking water, some poor looking textures in some areas, occasionally bad AI and unfortunately A Venetian Welcome, despite it’s initial promise, ends up just being OK at best."

The PTSD Mod Review (Posted 11th August 2017)

"This is by and large the strangest mod I’ve ever played or seen, but I was honestly surprised by the quality of it (at least, in the last chapter or two). While there is certainly a lot of strange things here,  The PTSD Mod is an experience that I think anyone should play at least once because of it’s surreal and often psychedelic moments. I didn’t get many of the references that were present in the mod but they’re not needed to enjoy it. My only major complaint is that there was a nasty bug in the last chapter where whenever I tried to save, the game crashed without an error or warning. This occurred for both quicksaves and normal saves. I’m not sure if anyone else has experienced this issue but it did kinda detract a bit from the experience if I’m being completely honest. But still, this is a great (and very weird) mod that’s well worth a playthrough especially if you love the more "out there" mods."
