Where I'm From (Or "Exploration Of A Small Place"): A Short (Silent) Film

This was written for the University subject, BCM115.

 Above: this is just for the preview image for the blog. This is not the video.

In this silent film, I explored not only the small confines of my house, but two concepts: light and geometry. Light plays an enormous role in film and thus, I decided to play with the idea of light and how it affects an audience emotionally as well as how I could use it to manipulate a space. In addition to light, I examined the construction of the frame and how the subjects within the frame are presented. I was particularly inspired by the works and films of Akira Kurosawa and Yasujiro Ozu, both of whom used straight lines and shapes to compose their shots. The final shot, in particular, was also inspired by the photographs of theatres by Hiroshi Sugimoto who also investigated and crafted light and geometry into his work.
